Saturday, April 30, 2011

Playtex Sport Body Wipes Product Review

I am enlisted in a program know as Crowdtap. Crowdtap is a discussion and product review site. I was recently accepted in to the Playtex Sport Body Wipes product sample share. Today I tried my sample for the first time.

Today I was running around town getting all the errands I need to complete done before my car goes into the shop Monday for repairs. The temperture today was 86 degrees and I was a wee bit sweaty. After running around everywhere and getting ready for lunch I slowed down and tried the Playtex Sport Body Wipes.

The packaging is small and cute. Its roughly the size of a pocket size Kleenex folded in half. The packaging was very secure and did not leak and you could not smell the scent of the wipes until you open the package. The wipe was moist and smelled like a baby wipe, but with a more delicate smell to it. I first opened the wipe up and wiped down my face, hands, and arms. The smell was amazing! I was suprized to feel the tingling of the cleanser working its ways through the pores of my skin. The wipe left me feeling clean, dry, and not at all oily as I thought it might have. I would definetly recommend the wipe to anyone who lives a very active lifestyle such as my self. Even if they have kids you could also use it to wipe them down real fast. The labeling is correct. You feel as though you have just taken a shower once you have wiped yourself down with the wipe.

I would like to thank both Playtex and Crowdtap for this incredible opportunity for sharing there amazing product and site. If you would like more information please visit: Playtex Sport's Facebook Page .

Follow me on Twitter and Facebook. Just search for Life with Challenges!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Deep Thought

Today as I was working on some of my school work I realized just how much money I save each month by using Swagbucks. All it takes is 450 Swagbucks to get a single $5 Amazon Gift Card. You can get up to 5 of these each month. That's $25 dollars for searching on the Internet!

I love you Swagbucks!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Old Navy Spring Accessories Party!

As most of you already know. I am signed up for a site known as Crowd Tap. I had recently put in an application to host an Old Navy Spring Accessories Party in May. Yesterday I heard back from the administration of this particular challenge. I was accepted! So, off I go into the world of party planning.

The party kit includes:
  • 5 Old Navy tote bags
  • 2 spring scarves
  • 1 pair of spring shades
  • 1 spring fedora hat
  • 1 spring saddle bag
  • 1 Old Navy Spring Accessories Sampling party booklet
  • 1 dry erase

Once I recieve my kit, I will post pictures of it.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bzzagent Buzz

Today I received the Children's Claritin Liquid Syrup Bzz kit from

The kit includes:
  • BzzAgent Bzz Guide
  • 2oz Bottle of Grape Flavored Childrens Claritin
  • Pack of coupons
I can't wait to try it tomorrow on the little one. Its suppose to be a real bad day for Allergens in the area.

Visit for more information!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New Stage begins!

The next few weeks will be crazy! I have two papers due, work my normal 40 hours at work. Plus we are do for an inspection. My grades came in for my last class. I made an A! Woo hoo! Hard work does pay off!

BzzAgent Rant:
So as you all know by now I am a BzzAgent. I received my bzzkit for Covergirl's Naturluxe Campaign. I received one foundation the color is #310 called flax in. I also received one glass balm style number 215 and its called hibiscus! I tried them both on and I must say it doesn't feel like I am wearing anything at all! Good job Covergirl! So if want more details on this please feel free to comment or ask any questions you may have.
I was also asked to participate in the Children's Claritin Syrup Campaign. I looked today and it's been shipped so I'll have a detailed bzz on that soon as well!
And finally, the Covergirl 50th anniversary campaign! Covergirl is celebrating 50 years. Wow! That is a long time for any company. Why not go visit them?!

Swagbucks Rant:
You all know how I am about my Swagbucks! I'm an addict! So let me tell you about the program for those of you who don't know. Swagbucks is a search program. As you enter a search it is completely random but you win bucks in which you can trade into the swagstore for all kinds of goodies. I personally enjoy the Amazon Gift Cards. I use the Amazon gift cards to buy my books for school. Speaking of which I just ordered one! I recommend you to swagbucks if you like to save money, and remember its completely free!

I am also a member of a group called Crowdtap. I was recently asked to try playtex sport body wipes! That package is on its way look out for a review on this soon too!

Tide Rant:
I received my free sample of tide release agent yesterday in the mail. WOW! This stuff works great! Its so easy to use too!

Favorite Links of today:
Crowd Tap
Search & Win

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bzz Agent

Today I finally received the Covergirl Natureluxe Collection Campaign Bzzkit! In the kit I got some liquid foundation and gloss balm. Although I haven't tried the foundation yet, I can say that the lip balm was amazing! I love the fact that is SPF 15 and helps protect the lips. I also love the prices of the products in the store. Tomorrow my goal is try out the foundation.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Back on Track!

Since I have taken a slight detour of my life. Today I am going to give you a preview of just what a crazy day looks like. Today I had plans to go to my parents and spend most of the day with them. I met them at a restaurant and we had lunch then we went back to there home. The home I grew up in since I was 9. After going into the home I get a call from my insurance company because of the storms that have so hit the area I live in so hard. They had asked if I had any damage to my car or property. Of course, I had sustained some damages since I was in a tornado last Saturday. So, I went and got my car estimated. The damages are just over $3,000. I never thought it would be considered to have this much damage but it did!

After making it back to the house I find me dad laying on the ground next to the well house having a tremor. He was trying to fix our hose hookup. Poor thing, a 5 minute job turns into an hour and half job. My mom was outside with us, of course she couldn't help either because she has a chipped shoulder. So I get him back on his Rascal and we head back into the house.

We sit inside for a few hours before my parents decided to go outside and plant flowers. Yeah right! I started planting flowers even though I am probably one of the worst allergy sufferers in the world. I loved helping them, but I did not enjoy the part about getting dirty because of digging.

I finally made it home and started on my classwork for school. I attend Ashford University Online. I'm enrolled in there early childhood education program. My ultimate goal is to graduate and become a kindergarten teacher. I had to finish my 5 page reflective paper. Now that I have finished that I can now begin to do my search for ways to save money!

Once again I spent part of the day searching on Swagbucks, looking around BzzAgent and getting yet another Campaign added!

On swagbucks I now have over 1,500 Swagbucks.. So, That's enough for my 3 amazon gift cards for the month of May! Which gives me almost enough for my school books! Woo Hoo! Even if it distracts me from my school work at least its paying for my books!

For those that don't know, is a word of mouth advertising company. Where you sign up for campaigns and spread the "bzz" around about the product. You generally get a sample of the product and give coupons for the people you bzz.

On Bzzagent I was accepted into the Children's Claritin(R) Syrup Campaign! You can find out more about Claritin by visiting So I'm sure that my love's little girl will be relieved since she has allergies.

I also did a big bzz on twitter as well for Covergirl's 50th Anniversary! You can see more about the Covergirl products at My Covergirl's Facebook Page

I still have yet to receive the Bzzkit for my Covergirl
NatureLuxe Campaign. Hopefully tomorrow that will be here.

Until the next episode this is my life with challenges signing off!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day off!

Hi guys,
I know its been a few days since my last post. I've been working my full time job and doing my school work in between having no electricity.

Today has been a very laid back day. I had the day off from work, I took a day off from school as well as not doing a thing around the house. I was waited on hand and foot by the love of my life. I have to say today has been wonderful.

Let me tell you some great deals I found out in the internet world today. I spent the day searching, doing surveys, and of course playing some games. I earned about 300 Swagbucks today on the site 200 of those were by survey's which actually surprised me, since I never qualify for them. I now have enough swagbucks for 3 amazon gift cards next month. I also joined a member invite group only known as Superpoints. Although I joined, I haven't won any points today.

I also worked on my Bzzagent kit
Covergirl Natureluxe, although I haven't received my goodies yet, I should receive them in the next few days. I did however bzz today on the the COVERGIRL 50th anniversary! There products are amazing and they don't make you feel greasy. The lipstick that I received was a brownish red color. I'm telling you it made me light up like I was a prom queen! I recommend any Covergirl products to you. Stay tuned to more information on the Covergirl Natureluxe.!

So, the things I work on the most are:

Sunday, April 10, 2011

God was here.

The weather is crazy! Last night we had some awful storms that produced baseball sized hail! In three different cells we had three hail storms. I found out later today that we actually had a funnel cloud directly over our heads. Luckily it didn't touch down. My car is of course damaged, but it did not damage my windows like some around the area. Near my parent's home there was a touchdown tornado. No damage there except for a bit of debree from the trees. Overall, the past 24 hours have been crazy. I'm glad that we are okay and that only the material items are what was damaged. The old mighty God was definitely with my family and friends last night and today. Tomorrow starts a new day as I have to work on my college homework and work. Wish me luck bloggers. This is going to be one wild ride!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

A twist?

As I write my last post of the day I notice that my blog might be taking a twist. My life with challenges is definitely true, but I'm noticing that I am writing more about how I manage to keep saving when the money is so tight. Does that mean I'm going to start writing about savings more? I plan on writing on my normal day activities and savings I believe. The economy has everyone trying to figure out how to save money and how to make money. With that being said I'm actually off to my place of employment to work and make the money I can to make my life a little easier. I hope everyone has a great day and I'll see you back here tomorrow for another day of challenges!


As you have figured out with working and paying for an education. I am always looking for ways to make money or get gift certificates to help with buying products. Today I bring you swagbucks. This site is amazing! If you do a few searches, the daily 4 and a few miscellanious things. Once you save 450 swagbucks you will be able to go to the swagstore and get a $5 gift certificate to I do this 5 times a month. That's $25 a month for free! So what are you waiting on? Sign up today!

Search & Win

Bzz of the day!

Today I worked on my school work and signed up for yet another BzzAgent Campaign. Bzzagent is a community of word by mouth advertising for companies who use them. A bzzagent (like me) spreads the word. Today I am spreading the word about Covergirl's 50th Anniversary! Covergirl is an amazing line of cosmetics that I can use with out any problems. I have very sensitive skin and allergic to most everything. If you need that touch up just use Covergirl. Its easy and makes you feel amazing.

Friday, April 8, 2011

First, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am twenty six years old and probably one of the most responsible people you will ever know. I work full time as a restuarant manager at a local restaurant working an average of forty hours per week. I attend Ashford College full time with the intention of getting a degree in early childhood education. I do volunteer work around my community and for a nationally sindicated radio show that helps teens and young adults. Among other responsibilities I also care for my older parents. My goal is to share my experiences, feelings, and joys as I am doing it all.