Tuesday, May 31, 2011

About.Me Review

Hi Everyone!
As most of you know I am a BzzAgent. One of my current campaigns has been the About.me website. The site is a place where you can be searched and someone can reach you via Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, etc. As far a my critique I have not had much luck with over all hits nor have I gotten great feedback. Most of my feedback I have received has been my blog is better to reach me by or Facebook is the way to go. So, About.me, in my opinion isn't the best thing since Facebook. After a few more years or as I get more experienced in it. However, for right now, I'll stick to having my individual sites until I can truly get good feedback from about.me.

You can visit my personal About.me Here!

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck. I also am trying to test the About.Me site.

