I am a moms meet ambassador. When I am selected I have to hold a get together with other moms in my moms meet group. This particular sampling was for Adrisin and all organic and homeopathic medicine for allergy sufferers.
As you can see below all the ingredients are all organic.
Adrisin can temporarily relieve of the following allergy symptoms:
-runny nose
-watery eyes
-skin irritations
The best part of using adrisin is it will not interfere with any other medicine you may be taking. I am a horrible allergy sufferer, especially in the winter and summer months. When I tried adrisin I stared to feel the medicine working within a few days. I was quite amazed at how much better I was feeling. Please keep in mind that my allergies are grass ragweed, and dust. I also take medicine from the doctor. None of my prescriptions were effected by taking Adrisin.
As per the federal trade commission, I was given samples of these products by heel,inc to try and review their product. Though I was given these samples the opinions expressed I this review are all my own.
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